Custom Orthotics
Contrary to popular belief it is not normal for your feet to hurt. Yet many people report that they are experiencing foot and ankle pain, even though that is not what they are attending our clinic for. In fact as many as 40% of individuals will be experiencing symptoms in the lower extremities related to poor foot biomechanics.
At Bridge Physiotherapy and Massage we utilize the Footmaxx gait analysis system to assess your foot function and provide custom made foot orthotics.
An orthotic is a prescription medical devices designed to stabilize and control the function of the foot and improve its alignment with the lower leg. They are used to treat and prevent injury caused by excessive motion or lack of motion in the foot. They are based on a detailed biomechanical exam of your lower extremities and foot, a walking gait analysis, your life style and medical complaint.
Orthotics are commonly the most effective treatment for various different foot problems such as plantar fasciitis (heel spurs), shin splints, and bunions. They are becoming increasingly important in the treatment of various activity related problems such as knee pain, back pain and neck pain. Correcting any abnormality in your walking or running pattern will allow you to stand, walk, and run more efficiently, and comfortably.

Orthotics fall into three categories; Semi-Rigid, Soft, and Rigid. Each type has its’ own specific advantages and disadvantages. By far the most common type of orthotic prescribed is the semi-rigid type as it strikes the best overall balance between controlling abnormal motion in the foot while still allowing it to move and adapt to the surfaces you are walking on.
These provide foot balance for walking or participating in sports. This orthotic is made up of layers of soft materials reinforced with more rigid materials.
This type of orthotic is often referred to as an accommodative type of orthotic. It is used to provide support for people who also require extra protection for their feet, such as diabetics or if they suffer from arthritis!
This type of orthotic is made from a rigid plastic or carbon fiber material, and is designed to prevent movement from occurring in the major joints of the foot.
We can also help you choose the right shoes to maximize the benefit you get from your orthotics. A shoe that is appropriate for going shopping at the mall is not going to be appropriate for running a marathon or participating in a boot camp.